Your donation saves lives
Veterans Village of San Diego (VVSD) is a 501c(3) non-profit,
non-governmental veterans organization
Founded in 1981, and dedicated to the promise to “Leave No One Behind,”
VVSD is a nationally recognized non-profit organization dedicated to helping
America’s veterans reclaim their lives
clothing donations
VVSD’s Warehouse is open by appointment Monday-Friday. Please call or email to schedule a drop off.
Warehouse Address:
2061 Kurtz St., San Diego, CA 92110
Text To Donate
To give an immediate gift,
TEXT 41444 = 4AVET
For any other donations, please contact VVSD
Frequently Asked Questions
Are my donations tax-deductible?
Yes, VVSD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions and gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Why donate to VVSD?
It is important that we recognize and support our veterans and their families. Donations are vital to the sustainability of our life-changing programs.
VVSD is a nationally-recognized leader and the only residential licensed drug rehabilitation program for homeless veterans in San Diego County. VVSD founded Stand Down and Homeless Court which have been replicated nationwide.
Why support VVSD?
San Diego is home to the nation’s largest concentration of military personnel. More than 15,000 active duty service members transition out of active duty service in San Diego each year. More than half of those transitioning want to stay in San Diego, which is the number one destination for veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. There are more veterans in San Diego than there are active duty personnel. Today, more than 240,000 veterans reside here in America’s finest city.
According to VA data, over 42,000 post-9/11 veterans live in San Diego County, by far the largest number in the U.S. The VA suggested two major reasons why San Diego ‘s homeless veteran total is the 3rd highest in the U.S. (HUD AHAR Report, 2015) even though San Diego is only the 17th largest U.S. region:
1.) the prevalence of military bases
2.) the significant number of post-9/11 veterans. According to former VA Secretary Robert McDonald, “San Diego’s challenge is to keep up with the huge influx of post-9/11 veterans.”
Veterans experience higher rates of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), sexual assault and substance abuse, all of which contribute to a higher risk of homelessness. Chronically homeless unsheltered veterans increased 66% from 2016 to 2017 according to RTFH.
If VVSD receives millions in grants each year, why does it need private donations?
Grants from government agencies DO NOT cover the full costs of our operations. The actual cost of housing veterans in our programs and providing supportive services is higher than the amount we receive through government grants.
How financially accountable is VVSD?
VVSD’s finances undergo a comprehensive audit each year by an outside firm. In addition to the comprehensive annual audit, VVSD is also periodically audited by government agencies on how it spends grant money.
Can I make a non-monetary donation?
VVSD accepts new or gently used clothing, towels, socks, new underwear (men and women), belts and additional household items for veterans in our shelter and those transitioning into their new home. Please see our Wish List for ongoing needs. Unfortunately due to space restrictions, we are unable to accept furniture.
Thank you for supporting America’s veterans.
Other ways to support vvsd
Planned Giving
With your generous support, our veterans have a safe place to live, compassionate care for Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury, focused case management in overcoming addiction and practical assistance in securing life sustaining employment. These are the building blocks that maximize human potential and the very mission of VVSD.
Your participation means everything to our success. By participating in the VVSD planned giving program, you’re ensuring that these building blocks continue to support our veterans.
Remembering VVSD in your will or living trust is a personal way to extend the influence of your life. Your gift may be in the form of a percentage of your estate, a set amount or the entire estate. Your gift may include cash, securities, in-kind or property. Informing VVSD of your estate plans allows us to thank you now for your contribution.
A charitable gift annuity is an opportunity to make a commitment to supporting the work of VVSD.
A charitable gift annuity is a transfer of your financial assets or real estate to a charity that pays you a fixed income for the rest of your life. Depending on your age, you can receive between 4.7 % and 9% return on your gift. Upon your death the remaining principal is transferred to VVSD.
Payable-on-death (POD) bank accounts can be a marvelous estate planning tool. You can add VVSD as a POD beneficiary to your bank accounts and CDs. A POD payee inherits whatever money is in the account upon your death and avoids probate.
A life estate gift is a wonderful choice for those interested in leaving their home to VVSD. With a life estate gift, you deed your property to Veterans Village of San Diego now, but reserve the right to continue living in the home. You receive a charitable tax deduction the year the gift is made.
Cash, Securities, IRAs, Pension Plans, Life Insurance and Real Estate.
For more information about planned gifts and other ways to support Veterans Village of San Diego please contact us at or by phone at (619)508-6634.
Donate A Vehicle
CARS (Charitable Adult Rides & Services) is a nationally recognized social enterprise nonprofit that helps thousands of nonprofits in the U.S. and Canada increase their fundraising and acquire
new contributors through turn-key vehicle donation programs. Since 2003, CARS has returned more than $300 million to our partners.
Veterans Village of San Diego is in partnership with Charitable Adult Rides and Services (CARS).
You can donate your car, truck, van, SUV, boat, motorcycle, ATV, RV, trailer or airplane has never been easier!
VVSD's Health & Wellness Donation Program
Physical exercise is an important element in improving our veterans’ health and quality of life. Exercise has been shown to help the body handle stress better and physically active people may have lower rates of anxiety and depression. Exercise can help our veterans build and maintain better psychological health and resilience, and may improve their mood and attitude.
Our health and wellness program is always in need of donations to help maintain the exercise equipment and assist our veterans in participating in community physical fitness events. There is nothing better than a little sweat to make one feel better and stronger. Our veterans need your help.
Or mail your check to VVSD:
VVSD Development Office (ADMIN)
Veterans Village of San Diego
4141 Pacific Highway
San Diego, California 92110
Please indicate “Health & Wellness” on your donation.
We are also in need of in-kind donations including but not limited to: work out attire, running shoes, yoga mats, miscellaneous gym equipment, etc.
Contact Olympia Martin by phone at (619) 538-2734 or by e-mail at to learn more about our Health and Wellness Program.